
Und sichere dir tolle Preise!

ESN in the gold rush!

From June 5th, 18:00 (CET) to June 12th, 17:59 (CET) we will be giving away 50 golden ESN Designer Bars among all Designer Bar protein bar 12-packs ordered in our online shop.

Did you find a golden designer bar in your order? Then secure your annual supply of designer bars (24x boxes of 12) and contact us at:

Die Preise im Überblick:

Jetzt mitmachen und gewinnen!

Platz 1: Der goldene Bar

Der Preis für den ersten Platz ist pures Gold – 45g im Wert von ca. 4500€, das Gewicht eines Designer Bars. Es gibt 3 Gewinner.

Platz 2: Edeka Gutschein & Jahresvorrat Bars

Der zweite Platz bekommt einen 200€ Edeka Gutschein und einen Jahresvorrat Designer Bars (2 Trays pro Monat). Es kann insgesamt 5 Gewinner geben.

Platz 3: Produktpaket von ESN

Der dritte Preis ist ein Produktpaket von ESN im Wert von 200€. Es kann insgesamt 20 Gewinner geben.

ESN in the gold rush!

Between June 5th, 18:00 (CET) and June 12th, 17:59 (CET), we will be giving away 50 golden ESN Designer Bars among all Designer Bar protein bar boxes of 12 that have been ordered in our online shop.

Did you find a golden designer bar in your order? Then secure your year's supply of designer bars (24 x 12 boxes) now and contact us at:


All ESN Designer Bar protein bars boxes of 12 in the flavors Almond Coconut, Fudge Brownie, Dark Cookie, Hazelnut Nougat and Peanut Caramel that were ordered in our online shop during the promotional period from June 5th, 6:00 p.m. (CET) to June 12th, 5:59 p.m. (CET).

There are 50x a year's supply of ESN Designer Bars protein bars to be won. A year's supply corresponds to 24 x 12 boxes. The selection of varieties is arbitrary and cannot be influenced.

You win if you find one of the 50 golden designer bars in your order. The golden designer bars are randomly attached to the ESN Designer Bar protein bar boxes of 12.

Please register by 30 June 2024 at the latest by email to, stating the bar number (bottom left on the enclosed flyer).

Conditions of participation

You can find the conditions of participation here.
Good luck! 🍀